Thursday, June 28, 2007

Take a break!

When life and all its ups and downs weighs you down, it is time to take a break!
As a Muslim, we are encouraged to pray to Allah and read the Al-Quran for peace of mind.
Getting away from the hustle and bustle of the world is also a great stress reliever.
Once we have achieved peace of mind, we can do almost anything!
Some people are workaholics and don't relish the thought of taking a break from their work.
This is also one of the reasons this group of people are often struck with stress-related illnesses.

A lot of women often make a lot of sacrifices for their family and others at the expense of their own physical and mental health. This is rather unwise because the woman will often neglect herself.
A wise woman will make sure that she takes care of herself first!
Only when she is happy and is at peace with herself can she really give her best!

So to all you men out there, give your spouse a break! Don't take her for granted or treat her like a maid!

To all you women out there, go out there and pamper yourself and take a well-deserved break!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reach out!

Sometimes when we are preoccupied with our problems we tend to forget that there are others less fortunate than us.
It is time that we start realising that there are things that we could do to benefit others.
In this modern world, we tend to get caught up in our own lives and forget to help others that are in need.
We think, 'Why me? What effect can I have on the world?'
Well...we don't have to be the President to do that.
In our own way, we can bring lots of meaningful and positive changes to those around us.

In this kiasu world that we live in today, we have become a selfish lot whose aim is only to please ourselves.
What we should strive for is the perfect balance. To help others and to become independent women of the world!

The benefits of helping others are numerous!
One of them is that it makes us feel good!
This is especially true when you see the effects on the person you have helped. It gives a sense of comfort that we have at least done our fair share in making this world a better place.

So, come on! Reach out to those who need our help!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Set a target!

I believe that once a woman sets a certain goal to achieve, her world changes!
This change will also affect others around her and the very way she sees the world!
There could be a multitude of things that could have started this positive change in a woman.
Maybe it was a remark by a concerned friend, a casual observation, a life experience that could have sparked it off.

Whatever the cause, the end result will surely be great coz once a woman realises that she needs to change she will start to plan.
Careful planning will surely help in achieving one's target.
Once a woman sets her sights on something, nothing can stop her!

She will start seeing all the possibilities that life has to offer and if she doesn't have these opportunities thrust upon her, she will find ways to create one!
She will also be excited about what life has to offer and this gives her hope.
Once a person has hope, life seems more wonderful and full of endless possibilities!
This is the very reason that everyone should have goals in their lives!
However make sure the goals you have set out to achieve are realistic and achievable. If not, you're only setting yourself out to be disappointed and this would definitely put a damper on your life.

You can start off by making short-term goals because the results are usually achieved in a shorter time span.
You can also start making long-term goals and you have to remember that the results will only be seen within a few months or even years.

Always remember not to give up hope and always find ways to improve yourself!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Assert your rights, women!

A lot of women out there are unaware of their rights and in the process they tend to get trampled on by others. Now, this is of course something that could have been avoided in the first place.
Women must realise that especially in Islam, they have rights of their own.
Even if the woman is married she still has rights.
I realise that there are a lot of women out there that simply do not assert themselves.
As women, they think that by being assertive they are being seen as aggressive or pushy.

Women have to educate themselves on their rights and change their mindsets about being assertive. So, read all the materials you can get your hands on about women's rights in Islam and in society in general.
Remember, assertive people are seen as confident people.

To all my sisters out there, be assertive!

Surround yourself with positive people

Today I'd just like to highlight the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive people.
I have friends who are like this and they are such a joy to be around with!
You will instantly feel motivated and happy when you're around them!

Positive people will inspire and motivate you and also help you be in a positive frame of mind.
Their optimism will also somehow influence our moods and this is a great spillover effect!
I love positive people!

Being positive also helps us overcome our problems by making us think more objectively.
Sometimes when we have a problem we do tend to become bogged down by the problem that we fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
We must realise that for every problem there is a solution and one of the solutions is to surround ourselves with positive, motivated and happy people!

So, let that sense of optimism shine through!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Count your blessings

hi everyone!
It's been awhile since I wrote anything and it's because I've been away on holiday.
It's good to take a break once in a while to break the monotony!

Recently I realised that we all have so many things to be grateful for. Our health, career, family, friends are the things that most of us have and yet we are not grateful for them.
It's a shame isn't it?
Well, I think it's high time that all of us take stock of the situation and not complain so much about what we don't have. When the reality is, we have so much more already! Other less unfortunate people might look at us and wish they had what we have. We also don't realise sometimes that we are ten times more fortunate that the woman/man in the street.

But don't confuse being complacent with being grateful with what we have. Of course we should be grateful but it doesn't mean we should stop from improving ourselves. So, we should always look for ways to better ourselves either in our personal or professional lives!

As women, we must be more aware of our role in our families and society! We can bring a lot of improvement to ourselves and our surroundings if we really put our minds to it! So, let's not moan and whine anymore, be grateful for what we have and try to improve on whatever weaknesses that we may have!