Sunday, November 11, 2007

To New Beginnings

It has been some time since I last wrote in this blog and I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating it on a more regular basis.

Anyway, here I am!
Today's topic is about taking stock of any given situation and doing things that will give us hope!
Sometimes it's not easy to begin all over again when you're already so comfortable in your old routine. But things change for a reason and we have to go with the flow...

The way to go about things is to plan what you really want and decide whether it's worth fighting for! A lot of people out there just don't know what they really want in life and can be so wishy-washy about things.
They must realise that life will not wait for them.
Some people think that life will be put on hold just for them and so they delay from doing the inevitable. This will only worsen the situation.

What we must remember is that things happen for a reason. Life has many ups and downs and we must try to bear the many challenges that come our way.
I remember this old saying I read somewhere, "The one constant thing in life is change".
So, we must be prepared for any sudden changes in our lives.
Although it may seem like an uphill task trying to face the changes in our lives, we must remember that sometimes a little bit of change is good for the soul!

A lot of people out there is so afraid to rock the boat that they appear to be trapped in their own little world that is safe..or so it seems..
Trying to control our life, is a good thing but when we think and begin to believe that we and we alone have ultimate control over our destiny...this is when the real trouble begins.

As we know, we merely exert a minimal amount of control in life.
Yes, of course we do have the luxury to plan and choose what to do in our lives but ultimately, we have to realise that it is God that determines what is best for us.

When we have relinquished this sense of control that we have, we will feel as if our burdens are lighter and that whatever that happens is and will always be in our best interest.
Of course, sometimes we don't seem to think this way but after much reflection we will come to accept that whatever happens to us is the best for us.