Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Appreciate ourselves!

To all you women out there who don't realise your true worth,
today's post is dedicated to you.

A lot of women out there suffer from some level of insecurity either it's about their appearance or their intelligence and so forth.
The most crucial thing that every woman needs to remember is that we are all put on this earth by God to do something special with our lives.
When we think about the reason why God put us on this earth
I think that we will realise that we are indeed worthy individuals in our own right.

God has given us the gift of intelligence to do many great things in our life.
For some it could be about going up the corporate ladder while for others it's about creating a warm and comforting home for our family.

What all women need to realise is that we all have our own gifts.
Basically we all have our own strengths such as the gift of empathy, being kind to others and so on.

What we also need to remember is to be kind to ourselves.
Don't be too harsh on ourselves.
So what if we are not all born to be the Miss World of today?
So what if we are not blessed with the intelligence of Einstein?

The key to self-fulfillment and happiness is to be more appreciative and grateful for what we have.
It's a hassle and not to mention emotionally draining when we are stressed on who is more beautiful or whether we have too many wrinkles and grey hairs.
Yes, yes..of course it's not a pretty sight to wake up looking like Mrs. Frankestein.

However what is more important is to make the most of what we have.
Try smiling often, it'll make you a whole lot younger and attractive to others.
Studies have shown that optimistic people (yup, the ones who smile like they're on a toothpaste advertisement) are more attractive and interesting than those who don't smile and constantly whine and moan about everything under the sun!

If you are not happy with yourself, you will make others around suffer too.
As they say, misery loves company.

Do you really want to do that? Rain on everyone's parade?
Answer 'yes' if you've just escaped from an asylum and
'no' if you're sane (like me).

So, the only solution the way I see it
is to begin seeing the good things about ourselves and appreciating ourselves better!

If we are not happy with certain aspects of ourselves and think that it's chipping away at our self-esteem, why don't we do something about it?

The way I see it, it's either we shut up and stop complaining about our unfortunate luck of not being this or not having that
or we eventually get off our lazy behinds and do something about it!

If we choose the second option, isn't it better to start having a plan about achieving it rather than being envious and staring daggers at those who are better than us?

When we have finally achieved our goal, always remember to be grateful that God has given us the strength and patience to work towards our goal and achieve it in the end.

So ladies, start thinking about whether you're going to take any action or not.
To be envious of others and complain incessantly or to finally
do something about it.


Anonymous said...

kak aileen...
i need more motivational stories from u sis!!! and of course miss u a lot...

Aileen said...

Yes, I am glad that my stories motivated you. I will try to write more for you sis!