Sunday, January 11, 2009

Compete with yourself and everyone wins!

Today's post is about envy and how it can be detrimental to your mental health.
Sometimes others are just envious of you and for no reason at all
they are out to get you!
These people are so pathetic and they just don't deserve to live, let alone be in the same country as other mentally stable human beings!
I really detest people who are envious of others but yet do nothing to improve themselves!
Hello! Don't they have a brain? Hmm..maybe they are merely brainless and therefore utterly incapable of simple reasoning!

The only thing I have to say about these people is that they are just so utterly pathetic and deserve our sympathy actually. People like these actually suffer from low bouts of self-esteem.
Yes, they might profess that they are utterly confident of themselves but confident and self-assured people put others down? No!
People who are confident will be happy when those around them are successful!

The only person that everyone needs to compete with is ourselves!
The only competitor that we have is the one staring back at us in the mirror!
We ought to take things step by step. We can't instantly improve ourselves or expect a miraculous change in a blink of an eye!
However the main thing that we've got to remember is that we need to reflect and evaluate
on our strengths and weaknesses.
We identify our strengths so that we can help others to help themselves
whereas we identify our weaknesses so that we can improve on them!

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