Thursday, July 2, 2009

Take it back!

A lot of women when we are married tend to be depressed when the men in our lives do not give us enough emotional support. Hmm.. maybe that is what is meant by marriage.
No marriage is of course perfect.

The most important thing that women, married or otherwise, must remember is that our happiness and self-worth must not hinge on anyone's approval or disapproval.
If we let others influence how we see ourselves, we will never be free!

That is why my title today is called "Take it back!"
It's time that women take back the control that we have unconsciously given to others!

It's time that women realise our true worth and that we as women have accomplished a lot in our lives without (most of the time) the assistance of others!

We must value ourselves the way God values us! As women, we are the one helping the men in our lives sort out their lives. As women, we are the ones who carry around another human being for 9 months and continue to care for the child even beyond the child's stage of adulthood!
As women, we have also greatly contributed to our family, society and country in numerous ways!

So why do we need another individual's approval to make us happy?
Obviously we don't.

We have accomplished so much in our life that we ought to be proud of.
No, this is not narcissistic of us to do so. This is a realistic evaluation of our own worth!

Once we have realise our own worth, we will no longer feel the need to seek the approval of others around us.

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